Legal DNA Testing Services in India

What is a Legal DNA Test? How is it different from the Regular POM DNA Tests?

In India, the demand for accredited DNA testing services is high, especially ones admissible in a legal case. A Legal DNA test is admissible in the court, immigration & passport offices, hospitals & organ transplant centers, IVF and surrogacy centers, children’s birth certificates, etc. An Accredited DNA test can be done for both – peace of mind or legal purposes.

Choosing an appropriate DNA testing company is a big and critical decision to make. Looking for the service ratings on the internet, Google reviews, the certifications, and accreditations of the company/lab of interest may help you make the best decision. At DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., your search ends now. We provide accredited and 100% accurate and reliable DNA testing services in India. Furthermore, we are the only DNA testing company to offer legal and court-approved DNA tests in India.

While you can get a regular or Peace-Of-Mind DNA Test without requiring any legal order, a legal DNA test requires a court or a legal attorney’s order. A Peace of Mind DNA test can be done with the consent of the tested parties, but for a legal DNA test, the lab has to maintain a strict chain of custody. The samples for a legal DNA test are collected in front of the judge or in the presence of a court-appointed representative. The report of a Legal DNA Test is sent directly to the court or the legal attorney.

What are the Applications of Legal DNA Tests?

A judge orders a legal DNA test for biological identification of individuals involved in a legal matter, thus called ‘court-approved legal DNA test.’ In other cases, a DNA test may be required for legal formalities, such as the Organ Transplant DNA Test (as per THOA, 2014), immigration DNA tests, etc.

Organ Transplant DNA Test, THOA, 2014

A DNA Test is the only reliable way of proving the genetic relationship between the living donor and the organ recipient.

As per the Organ Transplant Act 1995, HLA typing was recommended to verify the biological relationship. However, due to the limitation of the HLA typing test for a human genetic relationship, the amendment in the Organ Transplant Act led to the provision of THOA, 2014 (Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 2014). It provided a reliable means of genetic relationship identification between the living donor and the organ recipient.

The provision of a DNA test for organ transplant cases has significantly reduced the cases of the human organ trade and the illegal activities associated with it.

Immigration DNA Test

Immigration DNA tests are intended to prove the genetic relationship of a petitioner (sponsor) of the immigration and the beneficiary, that is, the applicant. To prevent illegal cross-border infiltration, human trafficking, etc., most of the countries have now a stringent provision for an Immigration DNA test.

Court Admissible DNA Test

Court-approved Legal DNA Tests may be a life-saver for many.
Examples of some of these cases include-

  • Marital disputes
  • Paternity disputes
  • Possession of a child
  • Inheritance of property

Court Approved/Legal DNA Tests in India

Handwriting verification and signature verification are some of the forensic investigative tests a court may require for the judgment.
Here are a few important blogs, you should consider reading for a better understanding about the scope of Legal DNA tests in India, and how is DNA Forensics Laboratory helping people with their legal DNA testing need.;

DNA Forensics Laboratory – The only company providing Govt. Approved Legal DNA Test in India

The judge usually orders a legal DNA test from a government laboratory. Due to huge pile-ups and the daily addition of new cases, the test and the reporting process at such laboratories may take a significant amount of time. It may extend from multiple weeks to even months. As a court case may be very critical and requires timely resolution; here our role comes into play.

In many cases, DNA Forensics Laboratory (DFL) has helped a falsely accused person to prove their innocence by cross-examining the facts/test results obtained from other laboratories. If the test result at DNA Forensics Laboratory is identical and matches with the findings of the public and/or private labs, the accusation is confirmed. However, if the test results at DFL vary from the previous DNA test results done in the past from a public or another private lab, the concerned person can challenge their case and get justice. In the case you are getting a DNA test at a public/government laboratory, you can still cross verify the results by getting a DNA test at DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.

At DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., we are one of the best and leading Indian companies for accredited DNA testing services and the only private DNA testing company for legal or court-admissible DNA tests in India. We are doing legal DNA tests for various Indian courts. With years of excellence, unmatched customer service, and the trust of various Indian courts, we have been the most trusted company for legal DNA tests in India.

Of the many legal cases for which we have provided our DNA testing services, the following are a few noteworthy cases.

  1. Paternity of a girl child at Muzaffarnagar Family Court, Uttar Pradesh.
  2. Panvel Civil Court – Avuncular DNA Test.
  3. Paternity Trio Test at the Court of City Munsiff, Srinagar.
  4. Half Siblingship for Property Dispute Case at Civil Court, Shivamogga, Karnataka.

Getting a court-admissible DNA test at DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is easy. You have to make a request in front of the judge that you want to get the DNA test from DNA Forensics Laboratory, following which the court will send us an intimation that we are authorized to collect the DNA sample of the parties involved.

For more information on getting legal DNA testing services in India at DNA Forensics Laboratory, call us on +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp on +91 9266615552.

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What is a Legal DNA Test? How is it different from the Regular POM DNA Tests?

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