DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Indian company offering accredited a 100% accurate and reliable Sibling-ship DNA Test at affordable prices. Sibling DNA testing helps determine the biological probability of whether or not siblings (brothers and sisters) share the same two parents. While performing a Sibling-ship DNA test, the genetic profiles of the two alleged siblings will be established individually. The result of a Sibling-ship DNA test is expressed as a Siblingship DNA index.
A Siblingship Index less than 1.00 shows that the alleged two siblings are not genetically related to each other. If it is greater than 1.00, both are biologically related.
A Sibling Ship DNA Test is available in two different configurations:
Half Sibling-ship Test
The Half Sibling-ship DNA test is meant for those cases where either of the parents is the common biological parent, but not sure who. For example, the alleged siblings know that either one of their parents is a common biological parent to both, but they are not sure if it’s the alleged father or the alleged mother.
Full Sibling-ship Test
A Full Siblingship DNA test is done when the alleged siblings share a common biological parent, say, the mother, but they are not sure if they share the same biological father or not?
At DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., we keep our clients’ privacy at our top priority. We send the test report for your Siblingship DNA Test only to your registered mobile number and email ID.
Why DNA Forensics Laboratory for Sibling DNA Testing in India?
We use 16 genetic markers testing for Indian Sibling DNA Testing, making our results highly accurate.
Our testing facility is NABL-accredited, which ensures that a DNA Test’s standards and quality (accuracy & reliability) are maintained at all times.
We offer the fastest turn-around time, giving your Sibling Ship DNA Test Report within 4-5 days. Moreover, if you choose our expedited services, you can get your result in as early as one day (T&C applied).
You can visit one of our 400+ collection centers across India to give the samples for a Sibling Ship DNA Test or opt for a Home Collection Service. We also provide DNA test kits online if you want to take the samples yourself.
A buccal swab sample is preferred. However, you can also give us other samples like rooted hairs, nail clippings, chewing gums, cigarette butts, clothing, etc. These samples may require undergoing viability testing to check if DNA is present in these samples or not (T&C applied).
We are the only private DNA testing company to provide legal DNA tests in India for honorable courts and for other legal matters.
Call our helpline no: +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp us at +91 9213177771 to learn more or book a Sibling Ship DNA test in India.
Since the peace of mind test samples are not collected under a strict chain of custody or on order of honorable court by a third neutral party and the Laboratory cannot verify the origin of the samples, this test result may not be defensible in a court of law for the establishment of paternity/relationship and other legally related issues. The tested parties’ names that may appear on this report have been provided by the client and cannot be verified. The laboratory assumes no responsibility for incorrect or misspelled patient information.