GPS Origins DNA test
GPS Origins DNA test is the most advanced ancestry DNA test right now. It traces your DNA back around 1,000 years, or more, to the place where your DNA originated. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd looks at your genetic markers to determine your ethnicity and the journeys of your ancestors. GPS Origins DNA test is the only DNA test with bio-geographical targeting capability to the town or village level and identifies when and where your DNA was formed by matching the populations that came together to create a genetic line leading to you. It also provides detailed stories helping to explain DNA mixture events such as wars, famines, and migrations.
Get your GPS Origins DNA test kit today for only Rs.17000
Want specific information about your ancestry? Below DNA tests might help you further,
Feel free to discuss with us at: +91 9289867771 or whatsapp: +91 9213177771.

DNA Ancestral origin
Paterna linage testing
In the paternal lineage test, DNA is passed from father to son and relatively remains unchanged through many generations. The results of the Y chromosome test help you identify the geographic areas where your paternal ancestors settled thousands of years ago, as well as their various movements over time.

DNA Ancestral origin
Maternal linage testing
In the maternal lineage test, DNA is passed from mother to child and relatively remains unchanged through several generations. The results of the mtDNA test help you identify the geographic areas where your maternal ancestors settled thousands of years ago, as well as their various movements over time.
How does GPS Origins test differ from other DNA tests for ancestry?
How does this test differ from other DNA tests for ancestry?
It is an autosomal DNA test, also called SNP test. It extracts markers from your Y-chromosome DNA, X-chromosome DNA and mitochondrial DNA.
There are four types of DNA:
- Y-DNA, which only appears on the Y chromosome, is passed from father to son across generations and inherited only by humans.
- X-DNA, which only exists on the X chromosome, is inherited by the women of both parents and by the men by the mother.
- Mitochondrial DNA (also called mitochondria or mtDNA) is passed down the maternal line and inherited by sons and daughters, but only by women. This is the least interchangeable type of DNA found outside the cell nucleus, not on a chromosome.
- Autosomal DNA can be inherited from hundreds of thousands of your ancestors throughout the ages. Autosomal DNA is in 22 chromosomes and provides 90% of your DNA.
This test examines nearly 80,000 of your autosomal markers (SNPs) and compares them to the distinctive mutations of 41 gene pools in more than 1,000 reference populations. This identifies where and when your DNA was last modified.
How accurate is the test?
In a study of people from all over the world, the GPS Origin DNA test algorithm predicts continental origins with 98% accuracy, affecting 83% of individuals in their home country and, where appropriate, 66% of them to their area.If your ancestors came from Western Europe and your parents came from the same area and did not go far away from where they came from, the test places your DNA signature within 50 km of its true origin and often closer.
Your results will show the origin as a point on a map. Any expected error appears as a circle around the point - the smaller the circle, the more accurate the result. The accuracy also depends on the size of the reference population in a given area; the larger the reference group, the more accurate the results will be.
If I already have a DNA test why should I order the GPS Origins ancestry test?
What is the GPS Origins DNA test for ancestry?
The GPS Origins DNA test allows you to trace your DNA back around 1,000 years or more to the point/place where your DNA started.
The test uses 41 global gene pools to calculate the genetic signature of your autosomal DNA. Then, it compares your unique DNA signature to more than 1,000 populations worldwide (who we know have lived in one place for a long time) to locate the beginning of your DNA. In some cases, GPS Origins traces your DNA at the village or city level. Finally, it calculates two genetic lines by tracing the migration paths of your DNA, using its old signature that dates back in time.
How does the GPS Origins ancestry test work?
The test looks at the genetic composition of your DNA—your DNA signature—and compares it to a database of over 10,000 signatures from 1,000+ populations with known geographic locations to identify the place where it began about 1,000 years ago.
We have identified 41 gene pools around the world. Each human population is made up of a mixture of these gene pools. In the distant past, individual migrations were rare. Genetic mixing tended to occur when large groups of people moved from one area to another, through invasion or mass migration. As the incoming gene pool mixed with the local one, a new genetic signature was created across the whole population.
The GPS Origins test assumes that your DNA signature is unique to you but shares many characteristics with the populations or tribes from which it originated. By comparing your DNA to the signature mixes within different populations, GPS Origins can pinpoint the origin of your DNA.
The algorithm works out the differences or genetic ‘distance’ between your DNA and the DNA population signatures in our database, and converts them to geographic distances. Then, like a car satellite navigation system, it uses the distances to calculate the coordinates of your DNA origin, which marks the spot where your DNA most recently changed at the population level. It occurs when two different populations came together and created your DNA signature.
Using a similar method, GPS Origins then works backward to find two more points and plots the journey to where your DNA was mixed. It repeats this calculation for each element of your parental DNA.
What does the GPS Origins report include?
Your report presents the proportions of mixtures of 41 possible gene pools covering the entire world, as well as the history of primary gene pools. Your report also indicates the geographical origins of your DNA, which could be a country or closest to the nearest city. Your DNA signature was created when two different population groups mixed together and created a new genetic signature, the one you inherited.
You also see two migration paths for your DNA, one for each member of your family, to their place of origin, which may have come from more than 10,000 years ago. Finally, GPS Origins dates the age of your corresponding DNA signature when it has undergone a significant change in the population.
GPS Origins is a great tool to help you search your family tree!
What is a Gene Pool?
Will GPS Origins tell me where my ancestors originated?
GPS Origins ancestry test does not report the geographic origins of individual ancestors, but the geographical origin of your DNA. You can be certain that some of your ancestors came from these places within the period indicated.
I am mixed race. What will the GPS Origins test results tell me?
Can I get a hard-copy version of my results?
How can I tell which migration route corresponds to my paternal line and which corresponds to my maternal line?
Want specific information about your ancestry? Below DNA tests might help you further,
Feel free to discuss with us at: +91 9289867771 or whatsapp: +91 9213177771.