DNA holds the genetic information necessary for heredity and various biological functions. This is the same thing that makes children’s facial, physical, and various behavioral traits identical to those of the biological parents. One’s risk of getting a disease is also carried forward from parents to offspring. The number of cardiac patients are increasing day-by-day and exponentially. Therefore, it becomes necessary to not only explore the management and treatment options but also to predict heart conditions early. The latter helps avoid cardiac, that is, heart disease. This, in turn, helps avoid the triggering factors to stay away from the disease in the first place. Nowadays, you can get accurate and reliable Cardiac Genetic Testing at affordable prices.
Today, the DNA testing technology has advanced to great extents, opening new portals of possibilities in the field of healthcare. This knowledge is helpful in predicting different types of inherited health conditions. The same is true for heart-related health conditions. Here’s how Genetic Testing for Heart Diseases work and who should get it.
What Heart Conditions Can Be Predicted With Cardiac Genetic Testing?
The Cardiometabolic Risk Assessment Genetic Test is one of the most advanced genetic tests for heart disease. It predicts the following heart diseases and helps your doctor to come up with the best-suited treatment plan in advance.
Hypertension– High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common conditions of the cardiovascular system. Genetic testing for heart diseases can detect your risk of getting hypertension. It also predicts how you will respond to antihypertensive medicines, like Beta Blockers, Perindopril, and Metoprolol, in case you get hypertensive.
Cardiovascular Risk Analysis– The cardiac genetic testing helps assess the risk of getting the following types of heart diseases:
- Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia
- QT Intervals (the time taken by the electrical system of the heart to fire the pumping impulse through the ventricles and recharge for the next impulse)
Response to Cardiac Drugs (Medicines for heart disease)– The Cardiometabolic Risk Assesment Cardiac Genetic Testing helps find our the response of a person to a specific cardiovascular medicine. Every individual may have a specific affinity to a particular cardiac drug/medicine. Someone may exert best results with medicines like Clopidogrel, while, others may respond best to Warfarin, Verapamil, Statins, etc.
Type 2 Diabetes Risk– Genetic testing for heart diseases also sheds light on the following factors responsible for type II diabetes in a person:
- Insulin secretion
- Resistance to insulin
- Rate of hepatic glucose production (by the liver)
- Metabolism of glucose
Genetic Lipid Profile– Cardiac genetic testing also covers the risks mentioned below:
- Increase in the level of Bad Cholesterol, that is, LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein)
- Decrease in the level of Good Cholesterol that is, HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein)
- Increase in the levels of triglycerides that is, fats in the blood.
- Hypercholesterolemia or High levels of Cholesterol
- Increase in the level of Fasting Serum Triglyceride and Dyslipidemia.
Genetic testing for heart diseases helps you by suggesting dietary modifications and lifestyle changes based on the above assessment.
Venous Thrombosis– When fat starts depositing in the veins, this condition is known as venous thrombosis. Cardiac genetic testing helps detect factors related to the ‘MTHFR’ Gene and ‘Factor V Leiden,’ responsible for clot formation in the veins.
Who Should Get Genetic Testing for Heart Diseases?
People who meet any one or more of the following should go for genetic testing for heart diseases:
- Family history of high BP, diabetes, and/or other heart diseases
- Drinkers and smokers
- Sedentary/inactive lifestyle
- Central adiposity (excessive fat accumulation around the belly)
- Overweight and obese people
- High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, and high blood triglyceride level
The present times are highly unpredictable, causing heart diseases in people at a very young age. Over the past one or two decades, more and more young people have been suffering from cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure and high glucose. People who have had heart disease patients in their family are at high risk. However, people who don’t are also exposed to the risk of heart disease. Therefore, Cardiac Genetic Testing is a must-have for everyone.
Where to Get the Best and Most Reliable Cardiac Genetic Testing in India?
If you are searching for the best place to get a Cardiac Genetic Testing in India, we are here to help. We have been successfully helping Indian and international clients with DNA testing needs.
We are among the no. 1 providers of accredited peace of mind relationship DNA tests, like paternity, maternity, siblingship, grandparentage and kinship tests. Moreover, we provide embassy-approved Immigration DNA tests, NABL-accredited Organ Transplant DNA tests, alcohol and drug detection tests and Cell Line Authentication.
Our Cardiometabolic Risk Assessment Genetic test is a class-leading and one of the most advanced Genetic Testing for Heart Diseases. We provide accurate and actionable reports for your cardiac genetic test with comprehensive data. This data helps your doctor understand your risk of getting a heart disease in the future. It also helps the doctor decide which medicine will work the best in case you get a cardiovascular disease. It also helps your dietician prepare an ideal diet plan to keep you healthy and away from cardiometabolic disease risk.
To learn more or book your Cardiac Genetic Testing in India, call us at +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp us at +91 9266615552.