DNA testing includes a set of procedures in which DNA extracted from a blood sample of patient and tested in the laboratory for diagnosis. DNA Forensics Laboratory is one of the most trusted laboratory for DNA tests across India and launched a collection center for DNA test in Kurukshetra recently.
There are numerous reasons for DNA testing of an individual or a family. It is used for genetic tests such as non-invasive, genetic & hormone predisposition test, ancestral genetics, genetic analysis and ultrasound. It is also used for forensic tests such as handwriting examination, photograph verification, signature verification, fingerprint matching, certificate verification, document examination, drug and alcohol testing.
DNA Forensics Laboratory determines 30 leading medical causes of death and disability worldwide. We maintain highest quality standards in genetic & hormone predisposition test. We ensure our patient’s satisfaction with the accurate reports. In case there is something that bothers, the report should be discussed with your healthcare provider on the right time. You will receive an extensive, understandable, report reviewing at DNA Forensics Laboratory for 100% accuracy in results.
DNA tests are useful in case of genetic diseases where early diagnosis helps to prevent or delay the disease. We collect samples for all DNA tests in Kurukshetra center and offers accurate & reliable results.
We are the first private Lab in India to deliver results on the same day and the second day for DNA paternity and maternity testing. By an additional charge you can avail these express test options. You must also provide your DNA samples directly to our laboratory located in New Delhi. If you cannot go to our Delhi lab, you can visit one of your nearest DFL sample collection centers and provide your DNA samples, for this condition, same day and next day facilities turnaround time will be applicable after receiving your DNA samples at our Delhi lab for processing.
For any kind of DNA test, contact us +91-8010177771 or please fill the form below and our executive will get in touch with you. To make an appointment and for any further queries, you can also WhatsApp us on +91 9266615552.
Paternity DNA test in Kurukshetra, Haryana
Maternity DNA test in Kurukshetra, Haryana
Relationship DNA test in Kurukshetra, Haryana
Immigration DNA test in Kurukshetra, Haryana
Kurukshetra Haryana
Email: info@dnaforensics.in