Hubli, officially known as Hubbali is the second largest city in Karnataka. Being the fastest growing agglomerating city in Karnataka, it deserved a DNA testing laboratory that in itself is a brand name. DNA Testing is acquiring recognition all over the world. People are now aware that DNA testing can solve a lot of questions that remain unanswered otherwise. With a simple DNA Test in Hubli, Karnataka, our clients need not to worry for anything else. Hubbali literally means ‘flowering creeper’. It was never so easy to make such crucial decisions till the set up of this lab. Since the time DNA Forensics has opened up a collection center in Hubli things have really changed. The Karnataka police and crime investigators are relieved. They know that the criminals can no more escape the sharp claws of DNA Forensics laboratory. People are so obliged because they can unite with their dear ones that are abroad by verifying their relationship by a DNA test.
If you want paternity or maternity DNA test results in the same day or next day, DFL is the only company to provide such facility in India. You have to visit our New Delhi lab for providing your DNA samples, and there will be additional charges for an express testing facility. If you are unable to visit our Delhi lab, visit your nearest DFL collection center for providing your DNA samples and in this situation, transit timing won’t be accounted for and the timings of the results shall start since we receive your DNA samples at our Delhi lab.
For any kind of DNA test, contact us +91 8010177771 or please fill the form below and our executive will get in touch with you. To make an appointment and for any further queries, you can also WhatsApp us on +91 9266615552.
Paternity DNA test in Hubli, Karnataka
Maternity DNA test in Hubli, Karnataka
Relationship DNA test in Hubli, Karnataka
Immigration DNA test in Hubli, Karnataka