Court-Admissible Legal DNA Paternity Test in India

Paternity DNA testing plays a crucial role in establishing biological parentage with absolute certainty and is often required for legal and personal reasons. Whether for settling inheritance disputes, confirming parental rights, or resolving custody issues, this type of DNA test offers a scientifically reliable method to confirm or exclude paternity. Unlike peace-of-mind or non-legal tests, legal paternity testing follows strict protocols to ensure the results are admissible in court. This involves a chain of custody process to prevent tampering and ensure the integrity of the samples. As advances in genetic testing technology continue to improve accuracy and accessibility, Legal Paternity DNA Testing provides both peace of mind and clarity in complex legal and familial situations. Understanding the procedure, from sample collection to results, can help you navigate the legal landscape and make informed decisions about your family’s future.

Process of Sample Collection and DNA Analysis for Court-Admissible Paternity Tests

The process of sample collection for a Legal Paternity Test needs following a strict chain of custody. In this the samples are collected in the court room, in front of the honorable hearing judge.

Sometimes, the honorable judge appoints a representative to look after the sample collection.

Sampling Method:

Generally, cheek swabs are used to collect mouth cells. These swabs are also called Buccal Swabs and are rubbed against the cheek walls of the mouth from inside.

This causes the epithelial cells of the mouth to stick to the cotton part of the swab. These cells are then isolated from the swabs in the lab, and the DNA is extracted from them. After that, the DNA sample undergoes the following analysis process:

Here’s a breakdown of the STR profiling process using PCR amplification and capillary electrophoresis:

PCR Amplification:

Selection of STR Markers: Specific Short Tandem Repeat (STR) regions are targeted for amplification.

Amplification: Polymerase Chain Reaction, that is, PCR is used to amplify these selected STR regions, producing many copies of the DNA segments of interest.

Capillary Electrophoresis:

Separation: The amplified DNA fragments are separated by size using capillary electrophoresis.

Detection: As the DNA fragments move through the capillary, they are detected by a fluorescent system that measures the length and quantity of the fragments.


The results are analyzed to compare the STR profiles of the tested individuals, establishing paternity or other genetic relationships based on the STR patterns.


Once the results are out, the same is sent directly to the honorable hearing judge to maintain the discretion of the report. Unlike peace of mind paternity testing, reports of a Legal Paternity Test are not sent to the tested individuals, but only to the honorable judge.

This concludes the process of a Legal DNA Paternity Test for the Court.

Legal Paternity Test for court

Significance of Legal Paternity DNA Test

Paternity DNA tests play a very crucial role in legal contexts, particularly in matters of child support, custody, and inheritance. Establishing biological parentage is often vital for determining legal rights and responsibilities.

  • In cases of child support, paternity testing ensures that the correct individual is held accountable for financial support. This process protects the child’s right to receive financial assistance from their biological father, thereby providing a stable environment essential for their well-being and development. Without accurate paternity determination, there could be disputes or wrongful claims, leading to unjust outcomes for both the child and the alleged father.
  • Custody disputes also benefit significantly from paternity testing. When parental rights and responsibilities are contested, establishing biological parentage helps in making fair decisions regarding custody arrangements. Courts rely on this evidence to ensure that decisions are made in the best interests of the child, considering who the biological parents are and their ability to provide care.
  • Inheritance issues are another critical area where paternity testing is indispensable. Determining a child’s rightful share of an estate or inheritance relies on clear proof of biological parentage. Without such tests, there could be legal battles or claims against estates that may not be justifiable, affecting the distribution of assets and causing family conflicts.

In sum, paternity testing is fundamental for ensuring justice and fairness in legal matters. It provides clarity and resolution in cases involving child support, custody, and inheritance, safeguarding the rights and interests of the parties involved, including the child, who stands to benefit the most from accurate and equitable legal determinations.

Why DNA Forensics Laboratory?

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is the only DNA testing company for Legal DNA Tests including Legal DNA Paternity Test for the courts.

Here, our testing facility is accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, that is, NABL. Moreover, we follow the international quality standards for DNA testing, that is, ISO: 15189.

We also follow all the protocols strictly and maintain the privacy and discretion of the test report. We have already done many cases for different session courts and high courts of India.

Our turnaround times are the fastest, which allows us to deliver the reports in just a few days.

If you need a Legal Paternity Test for some court cases, you are just at the right place. To learn more or to book your test, contact us by calling +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp us at +91 9266615552.

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DNA Forensics Laboratory
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Paternity Test for Courts

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