The vast research & studies and the technological advancements in the DNA Profiling technologies have led to an increase in the number of DNA Testing applications. One such application of a DNA profiling Test is the Human Cell Line Authentication.
Why is a Cell Line Authentication Needed?
Over the past few years, the genetic researchers have found that their decades’ long researches have failed, only due to the lack of an accurate Cell Line Authentication test. Often times, a cell-line of interest is mis-identified at the source. If not detected a researcher would have continued with using the same (misidentified) cell line for his research and may never get the desired results. It is a common problem while working with cell lines.
The second problem with the cell lines is that they may be cross-contaminated, where the contaminant can be a different cell from other source/sample, environmental pollutants, etc.
Third, and one of the most critical problems with a cell line is that, the original cell line may become genetically drifted during the course of time. In such cases, the cells may lose their originality and may become a totally different cell by genetic alteration. Researchers and experts acknowledge, that the latter is more destructive than the first two types of errors, as one may be completely unaware that the cells are gradually changing and may continue getting false results over the due course of time.
At DNA Forensics Laboratory, we are providing accurate and reliable Cell Line Authentication Services in India.
Method Used for Cell Line Authentication DNA Test
We use STR DNA Profiling technique for a Cell Line Authentication Test in India.
The rapid growth of cells for research and industrial purposes such as cell biology, genomics, and proteomics has increased the potential for cross contamination of cell cultures. This test helps to identify the relevancy of your query cell line with the reference standard, cross-contamination in your cell line if any, and the gender of a query cell line.
Our major clients are from research institutes, pharmaceutical companies, and biotechnology companies. STR DNA typing generates reproducible data that comply with guidelines set by the leading scientific organizations. We are generating STR profile by multiplex PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis in a genetic analyzer and obtained data then analyzed by GMIDX software.
- Cell line authentication is required whenever a new cell line is established.
- It should also be conducted before freezing at any time when the line is inconsistent.
- The cells must be checked the condition whether more than one cell line is handled in a laboratory to avoid cross contamination.
- The cells must also be checked before conducting a new experiment.
- NIH/NCBI/ATCC/ICLAC recommends validation of cell lines for grant applications and journals.
Why DNA Forensics Laboratory?
At DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., we are one of the leading DNA testing companies in India providing accredited peace of mind DNA tests, NABL accredited Organ Transplant DNA Tests, embassy-approved Immigration DNA tests and accurate Cell Line Authentication DNA test in India.
We offer complete cell line authentication services using Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Profiling. It helps to detect misidentified, genetically drifted or cross-contaminated cells that invalidate research results. We offer reliable, affordable and fast human cell line authentication services in India to assist the scientific associations for accurate specimens used for research purposes.
We have more than 400 collection centers in various Indian cities, where you can visit or book your DNA Test in India over a phone call +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.