Human and animal cell lines are widely used in basic biomedical research to establish a representative model system for functional studies and identification of diagnostic tools. Cell line authentication is an important research tool used in diverse areas such as medicine, genetics, vaccine development, cell biology, drug discovery, reconstructive medicines, screening, and toxicity testing. Each cell line contains a unique feature that is used for specific studies. Hence; it is necessary to know characteristics of it and link description to their availability.
Most of the time cell line authentication is demanded from pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, and research institutes. For a biochemical researcher, contaminated cell lines are the major hurdle and as per the survey, most of the time 18-36% of cell lines are either cross-contaminated or misidentified with another cell line. The integrity of cell line is the most important as the validity of obtained data often depends on used cell lines or stem cells.
Cell line authentication helps to discover relevancy of the query line with the reference standard and identify contamination if any. Cell line authentication is carried out using Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profiling which is one of the most informative polymorphic makers in the human genome. It helps to ensure the integrity and quality of human cell lines in the scientific community.
STR DNA profiling is also known as DNA fingerprinting or STR DNA test. It is used to obtaining a DNA profile from the isolation of DNA from other research specimensor a human cell line. It amplifies targeted area of the DNA and analyzed amplified product using a genetic analyzer. The obtained data then analyzed by GMIDX software for accurate and reliable results.
When is cell line authentication to be performed?
- At an early stage in order to establish the cell line identity
- Before starting of new series of experiments
- When the behavior of cell line is not as expected or results of experiment are not reproducible
- The culture is actively growing hence; authenticate it in two months of interval before research publication
The authenticity of a human cell line is essential as the whole research result depends on it. Hence; it is advisory to carry out cell line authentication with a reliable and trustworthy partner. Choose the most experienced cell line authentication provider company to obtain high-quality results.

yes this is very important part in research
As a doctor I must say this article provides very important information
As a doctor I must say this article provides very important data about authentication of cell lines