You must be aware of rising concern among people regarding IVF or in-vitro-fertilization procedure for infertility. IVF procedure is gaining popularity among people these days. The procedure is so common that it has become an interesting subject for the movies. Recently, a movie named “Good Newwz” was released in which it was mentioned that how an IVF mix up during the procedure completely changed the story between two couples. In the story, two infertile couples with the same surname visited the infertility clinic for IVF procedure, and they were eagerly waiting for their unborn babies. Trouble arose when they came to know that there was a mix-up of the biological samples. The comic story caught everyone’s attention.
Considering the risk of a IVF mix-up of samples, many hospitals have installed an electronic witnessing system (EWS) to trace the errors. Mostly, the risk of IVF mix ups persists due to ignorance in management of biological samples in IVF centers. Sometimes wrong labeling and ignorance may lead to exchange of samples within hospital premises. As a result, many questions come in minds of infertile couples before thinking about IVF procedure.
Evidence Of Falsification In IVF
It is clearly mentioned in the movie “Good Newwz” that there occurred the IVF mix ups of the samples between two couples. Therefore, many studies have already been conducted worldwide on which the movie is based. The first study was conducted in Geneva IVF institute in Italy to study the patients’ mindsets in context to the IVF procedure and its associated risks. Around four hundred and eight patients were studied who were attending the IVF cycles at the institute. Results showed that approximately 97% 0f the patients were concerned about risks of IVF mix ups. Nearly 92% of the patients were satisfied with the installation of the EWS within the hospital premises. Even in India also, there is a persistent increase in the infertility rate for the last ten years. Various hospitals are presently offering IVF procedures to infertile couples. In case they have a doubt regarding the biological mix-up of samples, they can go for the prenatal paternity DNA test. The test is entirely advanced and safe that couples can come to know about any falsification much before the birth of a child.
Where to go if you have a doubt about IVF or in-vitro fertilization?
DNA Forensics Laboratory has conducted various DNA Tests For IVF cases even after the delivery; DNA test reports cleared their doubts regarding the biological relationship of the child with them. IVF centers ensure a 100% success rate for patients with IVF. A non-invasive prenatal paternity DNA test is an ideal test through which couples can come to know that whether a female is carrying an embryo that is genetically related to the alleged father or not. Earlier, this facility was not available to the patients, but now it is possible to know the IVF mix-ups much before the birth of a child.
Parents start doubting the IVF procedure after the birth of a child. To clear their doubt, they prefer paternity DNA test to determine the relationship. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. has conducted Paternity DNA test in many cases. Reports were surprising, because in more than half of the cases, newborn child was not biologically related to them.
DNA Forensics Laboratory provides a non-invasive prenatal paternity testing service to the clients to clear their doubt concerning in-vitro fertilization or IVF mix ups in India. To book an appointment, clients can contact the DFL representative at +91 8010177771 or they can live chat at our WhatsApp number +91 9266615552.