What are the samples required for accurate DNA test?
For DNA testing, any specimen can be used for DNA extraction like blood, buccal swab, routed hair, nails, semen stains, blood stains, skin and bones etc. but we prefer to collect blood or buccal swab sample for quality and accurate DNA test reports.
What is a buccal swab and is it as accurate as blood?
A buccal swab is a way to collect DNA from the cells of a person’s inner cheek i.e. inside mouth. Buccal swabs are a relatively non-invasive way to collect DNA samples for testing. Buccal means cheek or mouth. A buccal swab resembles a large cotton tip. It is used to collect cheek cells by rubbing the inside of the cheeks. It is as accurate as blood DNA test.
What about Blood Testing?
Blood is considered as most reliable sources of DNA. The procedure involves a small lancet that is used to lightly pierce a finger. A small drop of blood is then transferred to a collection card – that’s it. In terms of cost there is no difference either you choose buccal (cheek) swab testing or blood testing.
How accurate are the DNA paternity test results?
DNA testing is the most accurate and commonly used method available for determining paternity. From this information a probability of paternity can be calculated. This number can reach 99.999% in some cases. The percentage of random men of the same race that can be excluded as the biological father is also computed for every case.
Some companies test as less as 12 chromosomal locations for the same price (or more) of ours, what we charge for 16 standard genetic markers. The statistics generated with only 12 locations, however, are not nearly as conclusive, and in some cases can result in wrong conclusions, such as the father being excluded when, in fact, he is the legal father.
What is your accuracy guarantee regarding DNA and paternity test results?
We guarantee such results because of the accuracy of the test (see previous question) and the standards we adhere to in the performance of the tests. First, our laboratory is accredited by the NABL as a DNA fingerprinting/profiling testing laboratory and follows quality standard ISO 17025. Second, Two teams independently process the samples for every case and compare their findings to ensure they are the same. Third, our Ph.D. Laboratory technical managers oversee the operation and personally review and sign all test reports. You can be assured that our methods and practices adhere to the strictest standards in the nation.
How long does it take to get the results?
We guarantee to have the results ready in 4-5 working days from receipt of samples at our laboratory. A shorter turnaround time of 2 working days or less can be arranged for an additional charge (call for information 9213177771). Some tests have a longer turnaround time like prenatal paternity, NIPT and genetic predisposition tests.
How will I receive my DNA paternity test results?
If you ordered a legally binding test, the test results will always be sent by a registered mail to the address provided, unless an email is sent to registered email id, we also ship the results to a different address. As a rule we do not give results over the phone, unless we have made prior arrangements with you to do so.
How do I interpret the Paternity Test report?
In the vast majority of cases the tests produce an unambiguous result. The alleged father is either “excluded” or is “not excluded” as the biological father of tested child. Each of the 16 identity locus are analyzed separately to calculate a paternity index, and all the individual indexes are combined to calculate a “combined paternity index”
What is the Combined Paternity Index?
The Paternity Index is a number that represents the likelihood of Paternity. The number is calculated based on how common the genetic information found in your test result is within your race population. The Paternity Index for each genetic locus tested are used to calculate a Combined Paternity Index which can result in a 99.999% Probability of Paternity, or even higher in the case of a true match. For an example, if the combined paternity index is 9,889,993 it means the odds of the tested father being the unique biological father are 9,889,993 to one.
Can my results be used in court?
Yes, if you purchase a chain of custody or court approved Test. This kind of test has additional proof of identity and chain of custody requirements. A Legally Binding Test is available either by having DFL collect the DNA samples or by ordering a legal authority. Also, in court approved paternity test mother’s involvement is mandatory for sample that means all three (father, mother and child) need to undergo test. We maintain careful records on every sample processed. Results from the DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. are admissible in an Indian court of law because of its NABL accreditations.
Are the results confidential?
Yes! Your results will be confidential and released only to you. You can get report only with your registered email and address.
Where the DNA tests are performed?
All the DNA testing is performed at our NABL accredited laboratory in Gurgaon. You can order Home DNA or Paternity Test Kits or call to make an appointment for us to take samples in any city across the India. We also provide home sample collection service with additional charges.
Where I can go for sample collection near my location?
We have an extensive network of sample collection across India and Nepal. When you call, one of our customer support representative will search our databases to find local appointments that are convenient for the interested parties. We will schedule your appointment at the time and place that best suits you. We have home sample collection facility on selective locations.
How do you collect sample if the interested parties live in different cities or states?
We can schedule separate appointments with our collection centre for any or all of the participants in a paternity test. And we can usually schedule a convenient appointment location close to your office or home. Also our senior Relationship Manager is available 24X7 for your help.
How much does a paternity test cost and what would be mode of payment?
Cost of our DNA tests starts from INR 8900 depending upon the type of test you want. If you have any questions about the prices, don’t hesitate to call us on +91 9213177771. Mode of payment would be cash, cheque, DD or online payment option as well.
What is the difference between an NABL accredited DNA test and an unaccredited DNA test?
Our Laboratory is accredited by the following: ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL Certified. NABL quality standard ISO/IEC 17025 is similar international quality standard that are followed by AABB and NATA. Unaccredited laboratory may not follow the quality standard set by the authorities and that may affect your results. Also results have no legal value from such unaccredited laboratories.
Is the Court Approved DNA testing differs from the informational DNA test?
No. The DNA testing is identical in both conditions. The only difference is that court approved tests require a witness, proof of identity, and special chain of custody procedures. The basic Home DNA or Paternity Test Kit is not legally defensible therefore.
Can a paternity test be performed without the mother?
Yes, although results will be as conclusive as with mother. Without mother’s involvement in DNA paternity tests, extended testing needs to be performed in order to get conclusive results.
What if I want to test more than one child or alleged parent?
Yes! Additional family members can be included in the tests with additional fee.
How old do child need to be to perform a DNA test?
Age will be no bar for a DNA test. Even a newborn infant can be tested. Taking a sample with a buccal swab is painless, and is not traumatic for the child. Please see more information about our prenatal test for testing before birth.
Are results from the Home DNA or basic Paternity Test admissible in court?
The basic Home DNA or basic Paternity Test is intended as a discrete and private way where families can resolve questions without involving outside parties and is not legally defensible.
How does the DNA or Paternity Home Test Kit work?
The Home DNA Test Kit contains illustrated instructions and a consent form to be filled out with information about each participant providing a sample. Except for infants and very young children, each person collects his or her own samples; the collection process is simple. Buccal sampling takes about 15 minutes for 3 people, with an additional 10-15 minutes for the swabs to dry. Blood sampling takes about 5 minutes for 3 people. The samples are then returned to labeled envelopes. The samples, plus the paper forms, are placed in the included pre-addressed mailing envelope and shipped back to our laboratory.
Do I need a court, doctor’s order or any legal formalities for a DNA test?
No, you do not need such an order to have DFL perform a DNA test if you are doing this test for your peace of mind. However, Government bodies have specific requirements for DNA testing, including: sample collection by a third neutral party under chain of custody; the specimen must be having companion by a test order from your physician or lawyer; and specimens must be submitted to and analyzed by a laboratory holding a government certification for DNA testing.
Why should I choose DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.?
DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. has the India’s first & most trusted DNA testing laboratory. Our advantages translate into accurate, reliable and accredited testing and top-quality customer service for you. To name just a few:
*We are the only laboratory in India to run every test twice for 100% accuracy.
* We have more locations across the India and have sampling facility around the world more than any other DNA services provider.
* We provide services with the best expertise having core professional of DNA biology and serology field. We have our staff trained from Delhi state forensics sciences laboratory that has in hand experience on live cases.
What are the samples required for signature / document / thumb impression test?
For signature verification / document verification or thumb impression test, the questioned or suspected document / signature / or thumb impression are to be shared over the mail or in person along with the document/ signature/ or thumb impression having admitted.
How accurate are the test results?
The test result are most accurate as the tests are performed by experts who are working with honorable courts and Indian judiciary as experts. The experts are highly educated in core subjects (Forensic Science) and are training from renowned government organizations such as Delhi State Forensic Science Laboratory and other private organizations.
How long does it take to get the results?
We guarantee results in 4-5 working days from receipt of samples at our laboratory. A shorter turnaround time of 2 working days or less can be arranged for an additional charge (speak to Expert +91 9289867771). Some tests can take a longer period of time, which depends upon the numbers of documents or number of suspected samples present which are to be analyzed.
How will I receive my test results?
The test results will be sent by a registered mail to the address provided, unless an email is sent to registered email id, we also ship the results to a different address. As a rule we do not give results over the phone, unless we have made prior arrangements with you to do so.
How do I interpret the Test report?
In the vast majority of cases the tests produce an unambiguous result. Either the suspected sample clearly matches with the admitted sample or the admitted sample does not matches with the suspected sample at all. Each of the letters/ graphical representation/ visual factors in handwriting / documents / signatures are analyzed separately and individually to interpret results.
Can my results be used in court?
Yes, the results are admissible in honorable courts under section 45 A of Indian Evidence Act 1872.
Are the results confidential?
Yes! Your results will be confidential and released only to the authorized person. You can get report only on your registered email and address.
How do you collect sample if the interested parties live in different cities or states?
The samples are very easy to collect as we have all the options. You can either visit our associated office located in all major cities, or upload scanned documents to our registered mail id or samples can also be couriered to our registered office in Delhi.
Why should I choose DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.?
DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. has India’s first & most trusted DNA and forensics testing services provider laboratory. Our advantages translate into accurate, reliable and accredited testing and top-quality customer service for you. To name just a few:
- We are the only laboratory in India to analysis every test twice for 100% accuracy.
- We have more locations across the India and have sampling facility around the world more than any other service provider.
- We provide services with the best expertise having professional of Handwriting and Documents/ signature field. We have our staff trained from Delhi state forensics sciences laboratory that has in hand experience on live cases.
What are the modes of payments?
We have all the options available regarding payments
- User can visit to our website for online payments.
- User can directly deposit cash or cheque to our official Bank current account.
- User can courier the cheque in favour of DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd..
- User can pay in cash to our registered office and can have a valid receipt.