Prenatal paternity test

Get a Prenatal Paternity Test in India – Simple, Fast, Safe

It’s a joyful experience to discover that you are expecting a baby. Preparing to welcome a new member in the family is one of a kind experience, not just for the expecting couples, but also for the whole family. But for others, who have been in doubt about the unborn baby’s paternity, it may equally be a time of uncertainty, confusion, and mixed feelings – maybe a little bitterness among the family members. However, you need not worry anymore. At DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., we are providing accredited & accurate Prenatal Paternity Test (No Sex Determination) in India. A Non-invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Test is a safe alternative to the conventional invasive prenatal paternity testing techniques and helps establish the biological relationship of the unborn baby with that of the alleged father’s. Being a non-invasive process, the test is 100% safe for the mother as well as the fetus (unborn baby).

We do understand that these decisions on your journey to parenthood may be tough, but one way to be more confident is to be well informed. We’ll help you understand what non invasive prenatal paternity test is, as well as what it can tell you – so you’ll have the necessary details at your disposal to make the best choice for yourself.

*Important Note: Prenatal Paternity DNA Test does not involve the sex determination of the unborn baby. Doing so is a punishable offense, and we discourage such practices.

Need For A Non Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test?

Until recently, the only way to test paternity while pregnant was to collect amniotic fluid via specialized syringes. Being an ‘invasive’ procedure, it led to increased miscarriages and health complications for mother & baby after birth. ‘Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test’ means there is no puncturing(invasion) involved and only mother’s blood sample is enough for a conclusive prenatal paternity test. If you are carrying twins, a prenatal paternity DNA test while pregnant may not produce conclusive results. The reason being there is free-floating DNA from both fetuses in the mother’s bloodstream & current technology would not be able to differentiate each fetal profile and analyze it separately.

How does the Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test Work?

This advanced DNA test requires a blood sample from the mother and a simple cheek swab from the alleged father and can be performed after 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. The cell-free placental DNA, which flows in the mother’s bloodstream, serves as the unborn baby’s DNA sample. The procedure then involves shortening the DNA into smaller fragments and amplifying it via PCR technology (Polymerase Chain Reaction). The resulting profiles of the unborn baby and the alleged father are then matched. If the DNA analysis shows a 100% inclusion (match), the paternity is established. In the case of a 0% inclusion, paternity is not established.

Unlike a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Test, as used these days, earlier Prenatal Paternity Tests were quite risky due to their invasive nature. Two of such prenatal paternity testing techniques were:

  1. Amniocentesis: This test was performed between the 15th – 20th weeks of pregnancy. In this, a small amount of amniotic fluid is taken out of the uterus using specialized syringes. This method was risky for both the mother and the fetus and often led to complications like cramping, vaginal bleeding, and miscarriage.
  2. Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): CVS was done between the 10th to 13th weeks of pregnancy. It involved testing of chorionic villi obtained from the uterine wall. The chorionic villi sample is obtained from the placenta via transcervical or transabdominal routes and poses certain risks to the fetus and the mother.

Looking on the risks, the usual shift took place from Amniocentesis and CVS to the non-invasive method of prenatal paternity testing. Therein, a paternity DNA test while pregnant is completely safe for both mother and fetus, producing accurate and reliable results. Getting a paternity DNA test while pregnant is generally used for peace of mind. However, a court of law may also order a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test in a legal matter.

non invasive prenatal paternity test

DNA Forensics Laboratory – For Accredited Prenatal Paternity Test

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is a trusted company providing NABL accredited test results for a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test in India.

We provide accurate & reliable non invasive prenatal paternity tests at affordable prices. Moreover, in India, we are the only private company providing legal DNA tests for court cases, including a DNA test for:

  • Child custody
  • Child adoption
  • Marital disputes
  • Will and parental property inheritance, etc.

We are trusted by the Indian courts and various law-enforcement agencies for our credibility. Using the highest standards, uncompromised ethical and moral code, compliance with the industry standards for DNA testing are some of the factors that make us the most desirable DNA testing company in India. Furthermore, at DNA Forensics Laboratory, we keep the customers’ confidentiality on priority. Therefore, we disclose/send the DNA test report to only the registered customer’s Email ID.

The following are some of the key strengths that make DFL one of the best DNA labs in India for various DNA testing services, including a Non Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test.

  • Home collection facility
  • Latest and advanced methodologies for the test
  • Highly qualified and experienced technical staff
  • Test results within 8-9 working days
  • Express Services option –the next day or same-day reporting services depending upon the case’s urgency. (T&C Applied)

To learn more or book a Prenatal Paternity DNA test in India, talk to our customer support executives on the following numbers.

+91 8010177771 (Call), +91 9266615552 (WhatsApp)

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Get a Prenatal Paternity Test in India - Simple, Fast, Safe

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