DNA Test

How We Can Avoid Fraud in DNA Tests and From Where We Can Get Reliable DNA Tests in India?

As the DNA Testing Services, demand has increased in its popularity, there is also an increased in frauds for DNA testing services. Even the most confidence or knowledgeable consumer can get taken in on some of the tricks and frauds.

Stay Safe — Use a Reputable and Reliable DNA Testing Center

Always stick with Reputable and Reliable DNA Testing Center if you want to use DNA test for peace of mind, legal cases or immigration purpose: DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.
Our testing laboratory is NABL accredited and provides DNA testing services for DNA paternity testing, maternity testing, sibling testing, Kinship testing, dead body identifications, Immigration DNA testing, organ transplant DNA testing, cell line authentication and DNA profiling with 99.9999% accuracy at affordable costs.

We are considered to be the most accurate and reliable DNA Testing Center in India. Our laboratory is recognized around the globe by various general public, doctors, embassies, hospitals, commercial establishments, legal professionals as well as the law enforcement community which allow us to offer the most streamlined and convenient experience in the industry.

Avoid Review Sites on the Internet

Many of the review sites that you find out on the Web tend to be “gamed” meaning that they accept payment for posting positive reviews or use affiliate links to make income on positively reviewed products (especially without full disclosure as to the affiliate relationship). For reliable reviews of DNA test kits, stick with reputable review sites.

Watch DNA Prices — Not Too Low and Not Too High

Don’t overpay with DNA tests! Cost for every DNA test is different and basically depends on various factors, including the testing is done for legal disputes, peace of mind, immigration purpose, number of participants, nature of the samples sent including but not limited bed linens, clothing and other items. Other types of DNA testing services may be more or less expensive depending on the nature and complexity of the tests and services provided.

Cost of our DNA tests starts from INR 6000 + 18% G.S.T depending upon the type of test you want. If you have any questions about the prices.

Privacy of Your DNA Test Results is Important!

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd ensures confidentiality and privacy of the test results and our customer service team takes extra care to handle every case.

We never release information about a case to anyone who is not authorized to hear it. Every time a caller inquires about a test, we verify that he or she is authorized by requesting specific pieces of information that are unique to the case. Also, we never release test results by telephone. Furthermore, we carefully follow any special instructions you provide about how we should communicate with you about your DNA tests.

Yes, there is DNA Fraud!

Keep in mind that when something becomes “popular,” spammers will not fail to try to find opportunities!

18% GST is applicable on DNA test; make sure you get a tax invoice for your payment. Check all emails related to purchases and DNA test results. Lately, we’ve seen a lot of phishing emails confirming the purchase of a DNA test that you have never done, or telling you that the results of your DNA tests are ready. If you have purchased a DNA test or are waiting for the results, ALWAYS check the website of the DNA testing company.

Manage your notifications of DNA test results. Once the results of your DNA test are ready, the DNA testing company will update you by email or phone.

Stay Educated and Stay Safe

In addition, remember, when it comes to DNA testing services, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Check out website and resources BEFORE you decide to purchase and take a personal or legal DNA test.

Beware of “fly by night” companies that you’ve never heard of or that don’t provide reliable DNA Testing services. For more information about DNA Testing services in India, please contact us or call us today at +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp: +91 9266615552 and schedule an appointment with us.

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DNA Forensics Laboratory
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How We Can Avoid Fraud in DNA Tests?

3 thoughts to “How We Can Avoid Fraud in DNA Tests and From Where We Can Get Reliable DNA Tests in India?”

  1. Hello,
    I am a woman interested in an Ancestry test. will the GPS origins test only tell me about the origins on my maternal side of the family?

    1. Please call us at 8010177771 or WhatsApp at +91 9213177771, so we can guide you better.

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